Payback Cycle
At myHolidayActivities, we try to accommodate the Host (Activity Suppliers) and Guest alike. Hence, we have developed our payback system in such a way that we run a cycle for payments every two weeks. This is mainly for Holiday-makers (hosts)

The date of payment depends on when you are done conducting all the required sessions for the Activity. As shown in the diagram, if the Activity sessions are finished by the end of a month, i.e., the 30th, your payment will be made by the 15th of the upcoming month.
However, in case you finish the Activity Session by the 15th of a month, your payment will be made on the 30th of that month. For example, if you finish a session on 15th September, the Activity Session payment will be made on 30th September after deducting our commission.
In case you are working on an activity that is two months or longer. You can be paid some of the amounts between the Activity Session, depending on the reviews and the client’s satisfaction. For example, if the Activity you are conducting costs £500, and it is two months long, you can get £250 after completing X number of Activity Sessions. However, in this case, customer satisfaction is mandatory. At this point, it is essential to understand that you will be paid for the Activities you have conducted, not booked. Moreover, if Activity sessions overlap, then Pro rate money is paid.
Attendance is crucial
Attendance is what defines whether you have conducted the Activity Session or not. Hence, it is a crucial part of our system, and myHolidayActivities urges all Host (Activity Suppliers) to put in attendance on time.
The process of marking attendance is relatively easy. It is an entirely electronic system. You will see an option for it on your dashboard. In case you don’t, or if there is an issue, contact the support team without further ado. It is the Activity Supplier’s job to contact the support team. In case you miss the attendance, and it affects your payback cycle, we are not responsible.
PayBack FAQ`s
What if I miss the attendance?
In case you miss the attendance, contact the support team as soon as possible. They will find a workaround for you.
Where can I see how much I have earned?
Your sales dashboard is your best friend. In the menu, you will see a ‘Sales Dashboard’ option. It will tell you all the activity statistics that you need to know.
How can I see my bookings?
Again, your dashboard is where you need to go. It will show you all the previous as well as new bookings.
Do I get paid when Guests book an Activity with me or once I deliver?
You will be paid after you host the Activity and submit the online attendance.
If I offer discount codes will that cause any issues with Payback timings
No, you will be paid for all the delivered Activity Sessions before the impending payback cycle.
What if the Guest complains about the quality of the Session provided?
We will work as a mediator and look into complaints. If the reasons are legitimate, we will decide the next course of action.